Homeless in Arizona

Obligation to disabled tenant

  How sweet, Uncle Sam won't force you to spend $5,000 to upgrade your home for a disabled tenant.

On the other hand Uncle Sam's jackbooted thugs do require you to allow the tenant to modify your home to meet his needs.

I wonder will the feds punish you if you demand a deposit to ensure that the tenant removes his fixtures when he leaves???


Obligation to disabled tenant

By Christopher Combs Combs Law Group Fri May 10, 2013 11:34 AM

Question: We own a rental home in north Phoenix. Our property manager has received a proposed lease from a quadriplegic. The home will need to be retrofitted to accommodate the needs of the quadriplegic. Our property manager says that under Fair Housing laws we are required to retrofit the home. The cost will be approximately $5,000. We have lost money since buying this rental home, and don’t want to lose $5,000 more. Do we have to retrofit the home?

Answer: No. Although Fair Housing laws prohibit discrimination against a disabled tenant, the landlord is not obligated to install improvements to meet the needs of a disabled tenant. The landlord must, however, allow the tenant to install any such improvements at the tenant’s own expense. The tenant is required at the end of the lease, and at the tenant’s expense, to remove the improvements and restore the home to its prior condition. The Americans with Disabilities Act requiring improvements to accommodate persons with disabilities does not apply to residential property, only to commercial property such as office buildings.

Reach real-estate attorney Combs at azrep@combslawgroup.com.

Homeless in Arizona

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